Friday, 19 April 2013

Is virtual computing a big step? Is it the right step?

Your IT systems are vital to your business.  We are setting out to help business decision makers understand what IT people are on about with virtual computing.  Virtual computing can help businesses adapt and move their IT systems forward cost effectively without increasing IT staff numbers and running costs.  If you are running windows servers and are looking to upgrade your hardware and systems you should consider Virtual computing in your options.

We would like you to learn how Virtual Computing might apply to your business.

The Scale Computing HC3 (Hyper-converged) virtual computing and storage platform is designed to help small businesses move forward easily, particularly if they run a handful of windows servers with a small number of IT staff.

Find out more here

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Are your servers getting old? What are the options?

Most businesses look to replace their key business servers every 3-5 years.  This can be an expensive, time consuming and potentially disruptive exercise, often with no real business gain.

The world of computing has changed and continues to change rapidly, so what is best for your business over the next 3-5 years?

Not a simple question.  The first step is to consider what is driving the change, as this will often help to decide the best approach:

  1. I only need new hardware, the systems are working and there is no need to change.
  2. I need to change the hardware soon but the systems changes are best left to another time when we are ready.
  3. I am looking to change the hardware and the software.
There are several options associated to each of the above approaches.  To find out more why not join us for a short seminar we are holding on the 2nd May at C4L to show how virtual computing with Scale HC3 might be a way forward. Find out more here.

Friday, 12 April 2013

What server infrastructure do you need for the next 5 years?

We want to help companies and their IT support personnel, (in house or external) to find the right computing infrastructure for the next 5 years and beyond. 

If you are considering new hardware, or moving to new systems, we believe virtual computing should be considered as one of your options.  Virtual computing enables you to move from today’s systems to tomorrows systems with relative ease.  You can expand and extend your computing services more easily at a lower cost and reduced risk.  This is particularly the case when you bring in the Scale Computing HC3 approach where virtualisation and storage are combined. Read more

We are holding a short seminar on the 2nd May at C4L to show how virtual computing with Scale HC3 might be a way forward. Find out more here

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Can virtual servers help my business?

Given the buzz in the IT press you would believe everyone has gone virtual or is going virtual.  This is just not the case.  While many businesses may have started or made tentative steps in this direction there are many who have not.  Whatever your position we believe the time is now right to investigate and understand the “virtual options” that may work for your business.

This is why we have teamed up with C4L and ScaleComputing to put on a seminar for small businesses to cover virtual computing and using a data centre to backup and keep your information secure (including DR).

We think this is a unique opportunity to see these technologies in one place, how they work together and what role they play for small businesses.

If you are looking at your computing infrastructure needs for the next 5 years this should be good for you.
Find out more here